The cosmos is in her autumn. Her season is crisp, bountiful. Fields are bursting, leaves are falling and nostalgia rides along the backs of gravitational waves as they escape a massive, incomprehensible collision. The beauty is astounding and I am here to harvest that beauty. 

Beauty – be it within mother or human nature – comes in all shapes, sizes, themes and colors. Beauty is hilarious, odd, breathtaking, flamboyant, simple, complicated and anything but normal. Beauty is dirt. Pain. Love. Beauty is the pride of lions attacking a dumpster overflowing with sonnets, the structure tight, and Shakespeare is pacing, mumbling to himself about reverence versus praise. Beauty is what you and I make of it, mixed to the shade of running mascara on the zebra's snout, her day long and hazardous and anything but artistic. 

Theoretical physicist and nobel laureate, Frank Wilczek, says of beauty: "The brain rewards us for interacting with beautiful things. In this way, evolution wants to encourage us to do what is good for us."

I'm listening, Evolution. I hear you. I'm trying to be good. 

I write about and photograph beautiful bits of the world (and some bits even further out), once I've chased them down and beat them with a louisville slugger of emotional analytics.

I'm open to exploring beauty just about anywhere. Currently, you'll most likely read my beauty bombs within the subjects of: rock climbing, ranching, farming, science, space and animals. Please beware: I will give voice, character and all my marbles to inanimate objects. I'm not sorry. But my rock collection is. Super sorry and embarrassed. Those silly wags are so sensitive. 




There should be bison here.